In a always evolving market we have developed the ability to modify and adapt our production quickly to customer needs. Minimum quantities from 300 pieces per model.

Quick Response
After shipment sample approval, we guarantee fast deliveries, according to specs. Fast re-orders.

Our products have very good quality, not just because of our quality control checks, but also from the quality of the materials used. We work with some of the best suppliers in the market. Also we and our suppliers have Oeko-Tex certification.

We provide design/styling services to our costumers. Although, design service may only be provided by request. We also, design and produce a small collection for our fair participation and for the clients that desire it.
Founded in 1992, SIENA, is dedicated to the manufacture and sale of outdoor knitwear, garment, made of cotton and synthetic fibers. Its main markets are France, Germany, UK, Italy and Spain, representing therefore, about 95% of production. Among its clients,
are listed several known and high prestige companies. Always after any new fashion trends and market demands, both in terms of design, whether at the level of raw materials, keeping it self very well up-to date. Currently working with the company
are about 100 employees, of wich depends on an annual production of about 1.8 million piece of clothing. As critical factors of success Siena highlits the following: the quality/price ratio, operational flexibility and speed of delivery.
We provide design/styling services to our costumers. Although, design service may only be provided by request. We also, design and produce a small collection for our fair participation and for the clients that desire it.
It's the beginning of the whole process. We have CAD/CAM system to draw samples and production, made and tested by our model-makers. All samples are made in house and quality control rigourosly done in order to meet the clients specifications. These included initial samples and/or production samples.
We have several cutting tables and a newly automatic cutter machine from Gerber, resulting in faster production and less cutting defects.
We have a large number of sewing machines, thus providing a wide solution to each clients needs. Also have invested on some more specialized machines that do different kinds of stitching and promotes creativity.
Although is always present, ever since the first sample is made, it has its most important phase just before packaging. Thorough control checks for all kinds of defects, insure all garments will be delivered according to the client approved sample.
Done according to what the client specifies, like type bags, tags, hang-tags, boxes, etc...





Rua de Macabio, nº28 - Roriz
4795-303 STS - PORTUGAL
Tel.: 00351 252820170*
Fax.: 00351 252820179
e-mail.: geral@siena.pt
*Chamada para a rede fixa nacional